A complete list of all the new features and fixes follows.
- [new] Added support for lock screen widgets (requires version 4.2 or higher)
- [new] Display wind in meters per second in weather forecast activity
- [new] Added weather localization for Chinese and Korean
- [new] Added new weather icon skins
- [new] New weather forecast layout (with dynamic backgrounds)
- [new] Display moon phase on weather forecast page
- [new] Added full localization for Catalan, Czech, Korean, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, Swedish and Turkish
- [fix] Fixed activity stack problems
- [fix] Fixed location related problems
- [fix] Added handling of new weather conditions
- [fix] Fixed bug in color selection dialog (hex)
- [fix] Fixed timezone related bug
- [chg] Added option for enabling optimizations (optimizations are off by default now)
- [chg] Increased timeout period for location detection
- [chg] Sort language selection list alphabetically
- [chg] Moved language selection option under Advanced settings
Please note!
Optimizations are disabled by default. They can be enabled by checking the Enable optimizations option under Advanced settings.
If you experience time freezing problems after enabling this option, please disable it. Remember to exclude the application from any task killers or battery/memory saving applications that could be killing running tasks.
As always, email us if you have any problems or suggestions.
Thank you for the support.