Monday, July 9, 2012

3D Sense clock & weather widget released

3D Sense clock & weather widget has been released on the Google Play store. The widget supports automatic location detection, weather forecast for multiple locations and much more. A detailed list of the features follows:

- Different skins to chose from
- Different weather icon skins
- Portrait or landscape mode
- 12 or 24 hour clock with date
- Optional display of the current week number, next active alarm and battery level
- Current location (city, country) taken automatically from cell/wifi or GPS, or specified by the user
- Weather conditions for current location (condition and temperature, low and high temperatures and weather icon)
- Detailed weather forecast display including the following:
- 4 day weather forecast
- World weather - chose to display weather information for any number of different locations worldwide
- Automatic or manual weather forecast refresh
- Launch up to four different applications by tapping different widget hotspots (everything is user defined)

The widget can be fully customized by changing the skin, weather icons skin, text colors and showing/hiding individual information.

Click here to watch a demo of the widget on YouTube.


  1. Greetings. I from Russia. widget excellent very much it was pleasant to me. But badly updates from server Google.Esli there is a possibility add please server Accuweather! I think it shows forecasts more precisely. Thanks big for widget. I wish prosperity!!!

  2. Greetings once again Droid27. I already wrote earlier apropos to fasten Accuweather and that Google have curtailed the service of updating of weather. If will not complicate answer this electronic address apropos widgets. In advance thanks. Yours widget the class.
